Thursday, October 27, 2005

ok I'm a doof

I keep doing that! Saving as a draft instead of publishing as a post. I guess I assume that the first button is the primary one. Also, blue is much more appealing to me than orange. Either way.
I've read Bartleby the Scrivener about 600 times now and although I love the main chunk of the story, the first few pages seem completely useless to me, even now.
I also find it interesting the way poetry works. (I'm just looking at classic poems for a moment now.) If you hear a few lines, you can usually tell it's a poem. Something about the flow, or the choices of words just screams POEM! POEM! at you. For some reason, I can't find that flow or that choice of words.
I'm also having trouble with my next workshop piece...I'm trying to start early because I have a million other commitments (prelims/papers/etc.) that week and I don't want to get swamped. I know what I want to write about, but I'm not sure how to go about it to make it as effective as possible. Oh writing. How you wound me.


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